
I’m trying to stay off my foot, which has officially been diagnosed as broken. A hairline fracture, but still very painful and not at all convenient. Thankfully, I’m told it should heal within three weeks and I’m receiving excellent care from my friends and family.

I did come across this buzzfeed, which I think adequately sums up life at NYU back in the day. Polar Vortex or not, I will always love New York.

This week was an eventful one, and I’m looking forward to relaxing as much as possible this weekend. Doctor’s orders!



I was on the ground before I even realized that I had fallen.

Our house is split-level, meaning there are several random small flights of stairs scattered throughout our living space. One such staircase happens to be in front of my bedroom, and after getting Emet and Jade out the door in time for their carpool, I made my way back to bed for a little extra rest when I suddenly spilled onto the floor.

The good news is that I didn’t land on or anywhere near my belly; all pain and injury is located on the outside of my right foot. The bad news? I actually have to see a doctor. I’ve diligently iced, elevated, and arnica’d all day long but my foot is a throbbing, swollen mess.

Luckily, we had a previously scheduled appointment with the midwives for this afternoon, and three things were confirmed. First, I am healthy, though I need to focus on my iron levels. Second, baby sounds and feels good. And most importantly, baby is head down and ready to go! The midwives also gave us our home birth checklist and wow, we are getting close.

Which makes this a particularly annoying time to injure myself in such a debilitating way. Not being able to put weight on my foot is terribly inconvenient, but I couldn’t be getting more love and support from my cute family. My precious ten (and a half!) year old son made dinner for me, a first, and it was delicious. And adorable.

It could have been so much worse, and I know that. But really, Universe? This is not what I meant when I said I needed a break.



image stolen from mister baker’s instagram

30 Weeks! Only seventy days left until our due date and I’m feeling very pregnant, in the best possible way.

My belly has grown quite a bit in the last few weeks, as has our baby. Body parts are recognizable, and movement has become much more pronounced. Those ticklish bumps and nudges have been replaced with large wiggles and flips, which Baby Baker performs with frequency and grace. I love love love it!

Our first real baby-related purchase arrived today, a simple sling from this adorable company, and although we’re far from prepared, I’m definitely feeling more and more ready for this little person to join our lives. This pregnancy really caught me off guard, and I’m so glad that it did, because I can’t think of anything better than bringing a new baby into this sweet family of mine.


“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, for 2014”

Emet: This boy is the sweetest, kindest, most generous, and most noble ten year old on Earth.
Jade: Never a dull moment with this girl.

I have long admired the 52 Project, and have never managed to muster the courage (or the dedication, ahem) to commit to shooting a weekly portrait series. Since learning how to take photographs is high on my list of life aspirations, I figured I’d finally just give it a go.

And lo! For my first attempt, I’m rather pleased with these shots. Snapping a few pictures with my kids this afternoon was definitely the highlight of my weekend. I’m excited to see how this project unfolds, especially with the addition of a new little face in just a couple of months.

Oh 2014, I’m in love with you already.



image via

I’m not really any good at resolutions. They are far too rigid and absolute for me, a person who is quick to change direction and is easily distracted. Instead, I much prefer themes as they are flexible and allow for interpretation.

For the new year, a year that is sure to be unforgettable, I have chosen creation as my central focus. I’m busy creating a new person, so it seems fitting.

I intend to infuse every day of 2014 with the impulse of creativity, to be mindful of the myriad of ways in which I can create and to remain available and attentive to inspiration. I want to write more, to cook more, to take more photos, and above all, to make more memories with the ones I love.

My glass of sparkling grape juice is raised, and I’m ready to toast to a brand new year.



image via

Christmas, I can’t believe you’re here!

What a year it’s been for this little family of mine, a year filled with surprises and a whole lot of growth. Our life has blossomed here in San Diego, and this has truly been one of the most magical seasons of all my 31 years.

As we were exchanging gifts, I sat back and watched my two kids shower their parents with the sweetest and most lovingly crafted presents. They spent their piggy bank money on chocolate bars for us, and worked together to paint and sew and wrap packages for us all to unwrap. My mama’s heart overfloweth! I could not be more more proud of those two, I tell you, they are the most magnificent young people in all the land. Only, they’re not quite so young these days, and every now and again I am reminded just how big they’ve gotten. I will never forget the tenderness of this morning, not ever.

The rest of today will be spent in my most favorite way, dancing around in the kitchen making a festive feast for the ones I love, followed by cookies and a movie. And maybe even a game or two of Catan. Heaven.

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is always a poignant time, and already I can sense the potency of this day and the next few to come. It won’t be long now before we welcome 2014, the birth year of our baby!

We are a lucky bunch, and today our home is positively bursting with love and gratitude for all that we have, and for each other most of all.

Merry Christmas, Friends!



image via

Expect the unexpected, that’s what I always say. Which doesn’t exactly mean that I was prepared for the surprise our family received this summer.

Indeed, just one day after we celebrated Emet’s tenth birthday, we learned that a new member of our family will be joining us this spring.

My sweet mister and I are having a baby and we couldn’t be more excited!

I’m 17 weeks pregnant, and still fighting a daily battle with nausea. It got the best of me for a few months, and I blame my absence from this dear little blog on the fact that it’s been twelve consecutive weeks of waking up in the middle of the night to vomit. Yeah, baby.

Last week, our midwife proclaimed both the baby and I in excellent health. We were able to capture the sound of the baby’s heartbeat, which has been on constant repeat for the past several days.

The sweetest.

Welcome to the family, Baby Baker! We can’t wait to meet you!



A while back, my mister and I discovered an Austin, TX based musician called Shakey Graves. It was love at first listen. Last year, while in Austin for a wedding, we got to see him play at Stubb’s and it was just perfect.


Tonight, he’s playing at Soda Bar here in San Diego, which means I got me a hot date with my love!

shakeygraves.com // @shakeygraves



pardon the poor image quality, but this is one of my all-time favorite shots

I have rebellious chi, is what I learned from my very first acupuncture appointment.

You see, my next door neighbor is the greatest, and when he found out that I wasn’t feeling so well, he insisted that I see his acupuncturist. Being the no-nonsense kind of guy that he is, I was surprised by his enthusiasm for alternative medicine, and I took his recommendation to heart.

I think I told the good doctor that I was nervous at least a half-dozen times during our initial consultation. Needles aren’t really my thing. Except tattoo needles, but that is an entirely different subject.

As it turns out, acupuncture is exactly what I thought: little needles and being still. What I wasn’t expecting, though, was the almost immediate sense of relaxation that resulted. I’ll admit that I have a long way to go before I’m able to fully surrender to the experience – I talked myself out of ringing the bell to call for assistance on three occasions – and I only feel slightly foolish for allowing a silly thing like fear keep me from something that is truly beneficial in maintaining equilibrium.

Today was the first time in over two weeks that I didn’t taken a nap. Not that I didn’t want to take a nap, napping happens to be one of my signature talents, but that I didn’t need to take a nap. A small miracle, I say.

My assignment for the week is to spend more time meditating, in an effort to harness my individual energy.

And by “spend more time” of course I mean “start”.



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My beautiful and brilliant friend Kate writes 365 til 30, a blog based on bringing dreams to life, where she gracefully and humbly shares her journey to becoming her truest self. She is one of the best ladies that I know, and I’m so glad to call her my friend.

Today, I had the honor of being interviewed for a series she created called Project 30. I credit her provocative questionnaire with being something that really got me thinking about what I would like out of this next decade of my life, and also helped to put the last decade – and the last few years – into perspective. In fact, it was months ago that she sent it over, and it was the perfect catalyst to get me writing again. In a lot of ways, I owe her gentle persistence a great deal of thanks. She had a huge part in helping me to find the inspiration I had been missing.

After I shared Emet’s birth story last week, Kate texted me with some of the most thoughtful and encouraging words, and asked (again) if I would share my answers with her and her readers. Maybe it has to do with the fact that my birthday is on Friday, but something about the timing felt utterly serendipitous.

Thank you so much for having me, Kate! And for being patient with me. I’m so proud of all that you have accomplished these last two years, and I’m thrilled for this next adventure in your life. You inspire me with your honesty and your determination, and I’m grateful for our friendship. Love love love you!