
courtesy of my favorite instagram account

Today, we celebrated 35 years of Mister Babe Elliott Baker, the most lovely human of all.

Actually, the celebration started Friday, with a leisurely date night. Just the two of us, we enjoyed an incredible meal, found this great jacket for the birthday boy, and caught a very late showing of Wolf of Wall Street. Even though I slept for more than two of the three hour film, it was our first trip to the movie theatre since 2012 and I loved every second of it. Plus, I’d already seen it (I’d like the thank the Academy for that one) so a nap on the lap of my love was pretty much perfection.

In spite of yesterday’s royal SNAFU, we managed to get ourselves good and ready to have this baby by finally ordering all the supplies for the home birth. The nesting hormones have kicked in at full throttle, and I’d have reorganized my entire house if it weren’t for this foot of mine. Why oh why did I have to break my foot? I’m still searching for the lesson in this one, though I have my theories.

We had intended to go to the museum today, but learned last minute that it is closed this week for installation! Instead, we spent the day having spontaneous adventures that included donuts for brunch, and you just can’t go wrong when your day starts with donuts, am I right? The kids and I made sure the guest of honor felt positively spoiled, and I mean, I couldn’t have had a better time if it were my own birthday. Which is convenient, seeing as today is my half-birthday.

Isn’t that cute?



image from mister baker’s instagram

At least once a day, I find myself saying out loud, “this is such a good time in my life.” And it’s true. I can’t remember ever being as happy as I am at this moment, and that’s with a broken foot. I’m really lucky and I know it, is what I’m saying. And it feels pretty damn good.

I’ll see my midwives on Thursday for an official report, but as far as I can tell, baby and I are doing just fine. I’ve been taking spirulina tablets, little green pellets that smell like fish tank, and my energy has benefitted significantly as a result. Which is good, because wow, I am busy.

And hungry! The kind of hungry that had me get out of bed at midnight and make waffles. Also, pickles. So many pickles.

The nesting has begun, and not a moment too soon. We’re less than two calendar months away from our due date, and 4 weeks from the day that our midwives would like us to be prepared for both the birth and the baby. So, yeah. Busy!

With everything that is happening, it’s easy for time to just disappear. I am trying to slow down and savor these last few moments of carrying this baby, because this pregnancy has been one of the most beautiful experiences and there is a part of me that isn’t quite ready for it to end.



image via mister baker’s instagram

The thing is, having a broken foot is highly inconvenient. Having a broken foot at 31 weeks pregnant? Ridiculous!

I’m getting by, thanks to many helping hands at home and at school, but I can feel my system working overtime in order to heal my foot and grow this baby.

I haven’t been able to get to any of the things I had hoped to at the beginning of last week, things like organize our bedroom and rearrange the living room, but I did manage to make a proper list of essentials for both me and baby. At least, I started to make that list.

Of course the upside to all of this nonsense is that our tiny one is as well as can be, growing and moving and being all babylike. My belly has grown significantly over the past couple of weeks, which has elicited all sorts of sweet words and thoughtful touches from people, including strangers. I’m thankful to have gone my first full week without throwing up! That alone is a sort of miracle. While pregnancy-related-nausea and I have made peace, I’m very glad to no longer feel sick to my stomach on a daily basis.

Undoubtedly, most of my energy over the last week was devoted to my injury. Now that my foot is on the mend, I’m able to relax and refocus my intentions toward this baby and the weeks to come. My midwives would like us to have everything prepared prior to our home visit, which means we’ve got 35 days to get ready.

Where is the time going?!


“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, for 2014”

Emet: We talk about staying focused a lot these days.
Jade: Rapper’s delight.

In another exciting edition of this week’s technical difficulties, the charger was nowhere to be found until after the sun went down, which means that I managed to fire off all of six shots before losing the camera to a dead battery. And my plans of taking the kids to the park for our first “location shoot” were waylaid by this broken foot of mine, so we settled for our front entryway. Again.

With all that being said, though, I love these pictures. And those sweet faces.



I’m trying to stay off my foot, which has officially been diagnosed as broken. A hairline fracture, but still very painful and not at all convenient. Thankfully, I’m told it should heal within three weeks and I’m receiving excellent care from my friends and family.

I did come across this buzzfeed, which I think adequately sums up life at NYU back in the day. Polar Vortex or not, I will always love New York.

This week was an eventful one, and I’m looking forward to relaxing as much as possible this weekend. Doctor’s orders!