It is without much heartache at all that I bid adieu to my virtual classrooms, though it is with quite a bit of gratitude. I am fortunate to have been able to continue working throughout these twelve weeks of quarantine, even if the work hardly resembled my actual job.
I miss my students, I miss teaching in a physical classroom, I miss the energy of our campus. But, it’s Sunday night, and I am keenly aware of how much more relaxed I am than were I to be faced with an alarm clock and a rush to get everyone out the door in time for school tomorrow.
The chaos of a Monday morning is something I do not miss in the least.
Just four more days left before students are released for summer break and we teachers turn our attention to report writing and “planning” for next year. I use the term planning loosely, because who knows what’s going to happen next week let alone next September? Nevertheless, we are attempting to forge ahead with good intentions and lot of hope.
As I personally reflect on this crazy intense school year and contemplate what’s next, one thing is for certain – I love to make stuff with my hands.