
Roux’s first piece of artwork, via Daddy’s Instagram

We’re off a running! Today went rather smoothly as far as first days go, fingers crossed we’re able to maintain this positive momentum. The baby didn’t even wake up to give me a goodbye kiss this morning, the little bugger, and I even had big plans for a sunrise walk, just the two of us! He was extremely thrilled when I returned and was not willing to let me out of his sight for too long for the duration of the day. He was adamantly opposed to staying with his siblings in the playspace at the gym this afternoon, so I scratched my work out and we all headed for the pool.

I am learning to squeeze what I can into the spaces I can find, and to take advantage of moments as they are presented. And, most importantly, to let the rest go. A little each day goes a long way into the care and maintenance of our home, is what I’ve learned this summer. I’m trying my best to implement small but regular rituals that keep me from getting too overwhelmed with the tiny tasks that can pile up into giant workloads.

Trying to go to bed at a reasonable hour is something else that I aspire to, but I find that once the kids are asleep and all is quiet, my mind springs to life. When else am I going to find the time to work on my own projects?! Or spend quality time with my husband, for that matter? These are the questions that literally keep me up at night!

More hours in the day, or a slower march of time. Is that too much to ask?

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