Even though I woke up a full hour later than I had intended, I managed to get myself out the door for a run before anyone else was awake.
Gosh, I love this city. When we stumbled into living in this neighborhood almost seven years ago, we had no idea that it happened to be the very best part of town. Moving away was so challenging for me, and I was determined to make it back here one way or another. Finding our current apartment was an absolute miracle, and even though the living quarters are petite, I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite residence ever.
I love it even more than I loved Eagle Street, which is saying quite a bit.
Anyway, one of the key elements that makes this neck of the woods ideal is that the terrain immediately available outside my front door could not be better for a runner like me. This morning, I logged over three miles, my longest run in years. And it felt good.
I thought about my Garage Project all night, and woke up with the framework for how I want to approach the next few weeks. By far, the biggest element for me to tackle is working through all of the many boxes that have accumulated over the course of our numerous moves. Most of these boxes have remained sealed since first being packed, so opening them is kind of like releasing a time capsule.
I brought the first batch up just before lunch, and have unearthed some absolute treasures including a photo of Emet at five months old that had me laughing so hard my sides ached, and the simple square piece of paper with B’s handwritten wedding vows to me. That particular gem was quite a well-timed find, as we’re preparing to celebrate an impressive milestone in our household.
My plan is to consolidate the contents of these random boxes, discarding what I don’t need and storing the rest in an organized and coherent way. The vast majority of what I “own” are things my kids have made or given to me which makes eliminating the clutter unbearably difficult. Every last scrap sparks joy, Marie Kondo! I’m hoping to channel my newfound obsession with bookmaking into bankable currency as far as sorting this kind of stuff is concerned. I am asking myself two questions: Why am I keeping this? Can it be used? So far, this has helped. I’m about halfway through today’s selection and am motivated to keep going, which is good news.
Honestly, if you would have told me seven weeks ago that I’d be waking up early to run three miles before organizing my garage, I’d have politely replied that clearly you’d mistaken me for someone else.
Oh, quarantine. What other tricks have you got up your sleeve?
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